niedziela, marca 19, 2006
38 %we Zacmienie Ksiezyca , Zygmunt Bauman i "kwestia" żydowska
Omar Akbar, Germany
Zygmunt Bauman, UK
Michael Blum, Israel, Austria
Michael Brenner, Germany
David Coleman, UK
Dan Diner, Germany
Shmuel Eisenstadt, Israel
Amos Elon, Israel, Italy
Alain Finkielkraut, France
Yosef Gorny, Israel
Georg Klein, Sweden
Antony Lerman, United Kingdom
Charles Lewinsky, Switzerland
Ohad Naharin, Israel
Thomas Ostermeier, Germany
Diana Pinto, France
Nina Witoszek, Poland, Norway
Björn Wittrock, Sweden
MARCH 21 - 23, 2006
The history of Europe's Jews attests to the generous creative energy of a minority culture. Today, Europe is home to many new minorities, and European society needs a bridge-building process that ultimately will accommodate these many cultures and identities.
The congress, the New European Cultural Landscape and the Jewish Experience, aims to bring together people from the academic, cultural, and political spheres in order to explore the role of minorities and integration in fuelling the creative process within arts and science in the shaping of future Europe, using the Jewish narrative as a case study.
The congress takes place at Moderna Museet (the Museum of Modern Art) in Stockholm, Sweden.
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